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Selection of fruit and vegetable juicer and common
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Selection of fruit and vegetable juicer and common

Author:HanLong Date:2021-8-26

When it comes to the fruit and vegetable juicer, then everyone must also see a big and small, and there are many different functions, so the large-scale fruit and vegetable juicer is not a lot, usually only in the large-scale food processing center. Where is this device selling? How is it juicy? Let’s take a look at it!

Industrial fruit juicer machine

What equipment is generally selected in industrial juice?
The large fruit and vegetable juicer is also called carrot juicer, mango juicer, etc., because it can be used for many fruit and vegetable foods. Such equipment is generally only available for professional food machinery manufacturers. Of course, if you want to buy a quality, good service, you need to buy a more close heart of the regular manufacturer. Large stainless steel spiral fruit and vegetable brackets are suitable for use in a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. It can be as follows: orange, grape, macaron, mulberry, bayberry, water honey (nuclear), etc., to make a sauce, fruit core, fruit seed, thin skin, can also put green vegetables (blocking) tomatoes , Pepper, celery (blocking), etc., the vegetables, the vegetables, the vegetables, is a symbol, juice, vegetable juice, ambiguous machine, for the important equipment for food processing enterprises.

Parameters of large stainless steel spiral juicer
1, processing volume: 0.5-1 tons / hour (according to the production of fresh grapes)
2, press spiral:
1) 350mm 2) pitch 180mm 3) Rotary 10R / min
3, motor: 2.2KW
4, shape size: 780x380x900

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