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spiral fruit juice extractor machine use status
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spiral fruit juice extractor machine use status

Author:HanLong Date:2021-8-24

Hybrid direction of spiral fruit juice extractor machine
The function of the food spiral fruit juice extractor machine is installed to prevent the spiral fruit juice extractor machine blade from rubbing the housing, extending the life of the spiral fruit juice extractor machine. By rearinging the spiral fruit juice extractor machine on the bottom of the housing, the material of the spiral fruit juice extractor machine liner has a manganese plate, a tetrafluoroid plate, a nylon liner, a cast stone plate or the like.
01. Check the materials required for transformation and installation, tools are ready

02. Removal and equipment of the food spiral and put it under the ground

03. Install the lining and debugging position, the nylon lining has a good toughness, low friction coefficient, oil resistance, stretching, bending strength, and has a small water absorption, good dimensional stability, good electrical insulation.

spiral fruit juice extractor machine

The role of spiral axis in a spiral fruit juice extractor machine
The spiral axis is widely used in today’s spiral fruit juice extractor machine, not only for juicer, but also widely used in rod machine, quick-frost machine, rinsers, feeder, etc. Spiral shafts have many applications in juicers. It can be said that whether it is a domestic juicer or a large juicer, the spiral axis is designed to be a critical component of the juicer, and the design of the spiral axis is also an important factor affecting the yield of juice.

In the spiral fruit juice extractor machine, the left end of the spiral shaft is supported on the rolling housing, and the right end is supported on the hand wheel bearing housing, and the motor is driven by a pair of pulley to drive the spiral axis. The spiral axis rotates clockwise in the exit of the stove slag, and the bottom diameter of the furnace gradually increases, and the pitch gradually decreases. When the material is pushed by the spiral axis, the spiral cavity is gradually narrowed to form an extrusion of the material. This is the role of the spiral axis in the spiral fruit juice extractor machine.

Floor plan of the spiral juicing machine

Daily maintenance of spiral fruit juice extractor machine
Daily maintenance management spiral fruit juice extractor machine In the process of use, you must pay attention to daily maintenance and maintenance, so you can maximize the coordination of sand dryers, ensure productivity and efficiency, and extend the service life of the equipment.
(1) Add lubricating oil to the bearing, gear and chain.
(2) After the box is deactivated, it should be checked when the spiral blade is worn, and the wear is severely soldered.
(3) The amount of delivery is not overloaded, otherwise the material can be discharged, causing the spiral axis and the cabinet.
(4) When the medium delivered is high, it should pay attention to whether the tangible change of the cabinet is free and card-free, if there is a settlement.
(5) When the conveyor is in operation, the noise harsh, should be covered, and the fault should be checked.


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